Truly Global. Truly Effective.

Active across the world, our programmes help communities to realise the
benefits of sustainable living through education and active learning


YRE International

DATE - June 25, 2019

At the inaugural SDG Tech Awards Show in Copenhagen to celebrate technology and the sustainable development goals, the Foundation for Environmental Education has won the accolade of best Non-Profit organisation. With an esteemed panel of judges that included Danish Industry, UNICEF, UNEP, Danish Chamber of Commerce and Copenhagen Business School there were fifteen categories and over 200 nominees. 

In addition, we have welcomed the French International School Cousteau who also received a personal message from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for their Eco-Schools accreditation ceremony after becoming the first Eco-School in Canada. 

And finally congratulations to all this year’s YRE International Competition winners to see the full list click here.

Enjoy reading!