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Active across the world, our programmes help communities to realise the
benefits of sustainable living through education and active learning


2021 YRE 국제대회 결과 발표

DATE - September 07, 2021

환경교육재단(Foundation for Environmental Education, FEE)이 주관하는 청소년 환경리포터(Young Reporters for the Environment, YRE) 2021 국제대회 결과가 지난 6일 발표되었다.


환경교육재단은 덴마크 코펜하겐에 본부를 두고 있는 비영리 국제단체로 블루플래그, 그린키, 에코스쿨 등 지속가능한 개발과 환경보호를 위한 프로그램을 운영한다.


환경교육재단의 프로그램 중 하나인 YRE는 만 11-25세의 청소년들이 환경에 관한 다양한 주제와 문제들을 살펴보고, 이를 해결하기 위한 실천적 방법들을 사진, 기사, 영상의 형태로 제작하여 우리 사회에 전파하는 프로그램이다. 지난 2~3월에 걸쳐 각국에서 개최한 국가대회의 수상작들을 대상으로 국제대회를 진행하였고, 지난 9월 6일 그 결과가 발표되었다.


특히 올해는 국내 출품작 중 하나가 2등을 수상하면서 더욱 눈길을 끌고 있다.


다음은 2021 YRE 국제대회 수상작 목록이다.


Article, 11-14 years

1st Place

Title: Shimmering Dust

Country: Latvia


2nd Place

Title: The dark and murky messaging of the major watch brands

Country: Switzerland


3rd Place

Title: What the pandemic packed for us

Country: Slovakia


Honourable Mention

Title: Love protects Sinjajevina

Country: Montenegro


Article, 15-18 years

1st Place

Title: Avian inhabitants of the housing estates

Country: Slovakia


2nd Place (shared)

Title: Construction waste and dangerous waste – here on our backyard

Country: Israel


Title: Turning off the lights at night

Country: Switzerland


Article, 19-25 years

1st Place

Title: The north textile industry, the ideal network for inventing sustainable and responsible fashion

Country: France


2nd Place

Title: Villages at the foot of Luštek landfill inspire the whole Slovakia

Country: Slovakia


Honourable mentions

Title: “Moulay ali natural bathes” ... a natural healing water source that is not rationally used to support the community development of “awlad Stoute”

Country: Morocco


Title: Montijo: An Option For The Future Or An Announced Crime?

Country: Portugal


Single Photo Reportage, 11-25 years

1st Place

Title: The end of the world

Country: Montenegro


Honourable Mentions

Title: Hope

Country: Malta


Single Photo Campaign, 11-25 years

1st Place

Title: Our World is Slipping Down the Drain

Country: Canada


2nd Place

Title: Disposable Masks’ Double flight

Country: Portugal


Honourable Mention

Title: Sweet destruction

Country: Iceland


Photo Reportage of 3-5 Photos, 11-25 years

1st Place

Title: The waste collecting woman who is no waste.

Country: Ghana


2nd Place

Title: The Scythe for Life

Country: Slovakia


Video, 11-14 years

1st Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: Old Companions

Country: Slovakia


2nd Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: How to consume more responsibly?

Country: France


3rd Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: A valley behind Bars

Country: Israel


Honourable Mention (as Reportage Video)

Title: Create & Respect

Country: Portugal


Video, 15-18 years

1st Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: Warehouse vs. Wetland

Country: Canada


2nd Place (as Campaign Video)

Title: Toys Upcycling: A New Life for Toys

Country: Republic of Korea


3rd Place (as Campaign Video)

Title: Returnable bottle campaign

Country: Turkey


Video, 19-25 years

1st Place shared

(as Reportage Video)

Title: Green in blue jeans

Country: France


(as Campaign Video)

Title: Fast fashion dining

Country: Scotland


Honourable Mention (as Campaign Video)

Title: Where does your snack come from

Country: Slovenia


International Collaboration

1st Place (article 15-18 years)

Title: Unnoticed Danger: The Fashion Industry

Countries: Portugal and Turkey


2nd Place (article 15-18 years)

Title: How Can Traditional Watering Systems Help The Environment?

Countries: Portugal and Montenegro


3rd place (article 11-14 years)

Title: Honey bees are important members of a sustainable life

Countries: Turkey and Slovenia


Honourable mention (video 15-18 years)

Title: Different countries, same problem – Finding a solution for the pollution!

Countries: Portugal and Turkey


Litter Less Campaign Category:


Article, 11-14 years

1st Place

Title: Cat food packaging: exposed

Country: New Zealand


Article, 15-18 years

1st Place

Title: Is sustainability a joke?

Country: Malta


Article, 19-25 years



Single Photo Reportage, 11-25 years

1st Place

Title: Trapped

Country: New Zealand


Single Campaign Photo, 11-25 years

1st place

Title: The bottle fish

Country: Malta


Photo story (3-5 photos), 11-25 years



Video, 11-14 years

1st Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: YRE Rural Litter Report

Country: Ireland


Video, 15-18 years

1st Place (as Reportage Video)

Title: Open-hearted to the oceans

Country: France


Video, 19-25 years
